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Meet the Seniors, part One

Welcome back, Choctaws! Mary and Emma here. We hope your semester has been off to a smooth start, and we also hope you've managed to stay warm! The Writing Center has had a ton of changes over the break. The biggest change has been our website makeover! Our Outreach Specialist, Cole Jones, has worked hard to create a new, sleek interface for the WC. Take a look here!

This week, we are focusing on some of our soon-to-depart tutors to show our appreciation for them, but also so YOU can get to know them while they're here! You might see these faces again when we congratulate our seniors later this semester, but for now, let's get to know the seniors!

Britney Bettis 

Our first senior is Britney Bettis. She is a Secondary English Education major, and her dream job is to be an actress and a bestselling author. She has been with the Writing Center for 2 years, and after graduation, she plans to obtain a Master's Degree in education from Delta State University while teaching at a local school near her hometown. A fun fact about Britney is that she has a twin who goes to MC as well, and people often get them confused!

Camden Clem

Camden Clem is our second senior. She is an English literature major with minors in English Writing and Philosophy, and her dream job is to become a professor of literature and creative writing or a Poet! She has worked in the WC as a tutor for two years. After graduation, Camden plans to attend grad school for 20th Century or Contemporary Literature. Fun fact: her favorite paper she ever wrote was on the intersection of Dungeons & Dragons and comic books.

Morgan Flemons

Next, we have Morgan Flemons. Morgan is an English Education major and aspires to be a high school teacher and a daycare wonder. She is completing her second semester in the Writing Center. After graduating, she plans to enroll in the Memphis Teacher Residency Program and earn her Master’s in education. For fun, she makes daily vlog videos, but she doesn’t actually vlog!

Mary Freeman

Up next is Mary Margaret Freeman. She is an English literature major with a History minor. Her dream job is to become a children’s book illustrator. Mary has worked in the Writing Center for 3 years as a tutor and 2 years as a blog editor. She plans to attend graduate school at the University of Southern Mississippi and become an archivist! Something Mary does for fun is watch video essay analyses about her least favorite movies.

Maria Guay

Finally, we are spotlighting Maria Guay, our Student Director. With a major in English Writing and minors in Applied Humanities and Psychology, Maria aspires to become a college professor. She has been a tutor in the WC for 3 years, an interior designer for 1 year and now the Student Director for the past school year. Her next stop after graduation is graduate school for an MA in Rhetoric and Composition so she can teach either at the high school or college level. Fun fact: she met Josh Groban!

So, now you know a little more about our seniors. Our WC Community is so proud to have had these seniors on our staff for the past few years! Be sure to schedule an appointment with one of them before the semester is over.

Stay dry,

Mary and Emma


The Writing Center is located on the first floor of the Leland Speed Library across from the Gore Art Gallery.

Schedule your appointment here!

Come and see us during our hours of operation:

Monday-Thursday: 9am - 8pm

Friday: 9am - 12pm

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